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Ernehale Flying High Academies

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Ernehale Flying High Academies

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  • At Nursery, the key knowledge progression document takes reference from the following documentation: Early Years Framework, Development Matters and Birth to 5 Matters.

  • At key stage 1 & 2, the key knowledge progression document takes full account of the agreed syllabus and groups this into the following strands:

    • Believing – Religious beliefs, teachings, sources; questions about meaning, purpose and truth.

    • Expressing – Religious and spiritual forms of expressions; questions about identity and diversity.

    • Living – Religious practices and ways of living; questions about values and commitment.

  • These strands have been adopted from the Derbyshire RE syllabus to provide synergy between the two syllabuses.

  • Skills are dependent on specific knowledge. A skill is the capacity to perform or discuss and in order to do this a deep body of knowledge needs to be acquired and retained. These knowledge statements should be what pupils retain forever. In other words, this knowledge is within their long-term memory and will be retained.

  • When considering pupils’ improvement in subject specific vocabulary, pupils could be provided with a knowledge organiser which contains the relevant words used for RE for their age group.

Ernehale Flying High Academies

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