Maths at Ernehale FHA
At Ernehale, our mastery Maths curriculum, underpinned by our ABC values, empowers children to become competent, resilient and confident mathematicians. This is achieved by supporting children to develop fluency in the fundamentals of mathematics, encouraging children to reason mathematically and creating a range of real-life, meaningful cross-curricular opportunities for children to apply problem solving skills. Our curriculum uses a granular approach to ensure children build on previous learning and make connections with new concepts, whilst simultaneously enabling them to deepen their learning and understanding.
Our aim is for our children to leave Ernehale as:
Fluent mathematicians with strong conceptual and procedural understanding, and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
Articulate learners who confidently utilise their increasing mathematical vocabulary to reason effectively and develop a mathematical argument or justification.
Persistent problem-solvers and resilient risk-takers who can apply their mathematical skills and knowledge to a variety of increasingly complex problems; seeking solutions with a sense of enjoyment, curiosity and a developing understanding of the importance of mathematics in the real world.
Our approach aims to provide all children with full access to the curriculum, enabling them to be independent mathematicians who are well equipped to apply their learning to the wider world.
Early Years
In EYFS, pupils develop their concept of the number system through the use of concrete materials and pictorial representations. They experience practical calculation using a wide variety of equipment, e.g. small world play, role play, counters, cubes, ways of recording calculations using pictures, etc. We use Numicon to help develop a deep understanding of the number system. Foundation are currently taking part in the Mastering Number Programme from NCETM, which is a programme designed to ensure children have a thorough understanding of number and the number system. This programme makes up the majority of Maths taught sessions, with the remainder being teacher-designed in order to cover other aspects of the curriculum.
Key Stage 1 and 2
From Years 1 – 6, we use White Rose materials as a basis of our Maths lessons supplemented with teacher-designed resources to ensure that the aims of the National Curriculum are achieved. These resources use the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach to encourage children to think mathematically; building in lots of opportunities for mathematical discussion and encouraging the use of manipulatives. Teachers have the flexibility to adapt the ideas of the White Rose materials and some lessons will be newly designed if teachers feel there is a more effective approach to teaching a concept. At the heart of our Mastery Maths curriculum is the belief that all children can achieve. Lessons are designed to develop essential skills required to ensure children see themselves as mathematicians and recognise mistakes as learning opportunities.
As a result of the publication of the ‘Ready To Progress Criteria’, we have been able to identify key content within each year group. This content is mapped alongside our medium-term Maths curriculum planning so staff are aware of its importance.
Key Stage 1 are also participating in the NCETM Mastering Number programme, which consists of four weekly sessions outside of Maths lessons aiming to develop children’s understanding of Number and the Number system. As part of this work, the children are using a Rekenrek as a key resource.
Other aspects of Maths
Daily Practice
In Years 3 – 6, children practise arithmetic skills and embed key knowledge through a ‘10 in 10’ task. This comprises of a carefully-crafted set of 10 questions which the children have 10 minutes to answer. The questions cover:
Recent/Current teaching
End of Year expectations
Ready to Progress Criteria
This gives the children the opportunity to practise key mathematical skills throughout the year and encourages regular revisiting of concepts ad key knowledge.
In Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2, children take part in a ‘Daily Count’ or ‘4-box challenge’. This enables them to be expert at counting forwards and backwards through the number system and develops key number facts as identified from the Ready to Progress Criteria each day.
Times Tables
We practise Times Table knowledge daily, both in preparation for the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) at the end of Year 4 and to contribute towards children’s fluency of mathematical facts.
In Year 3 and 4, children have regular discrete teacher-taught sessions where they develop their conceptual understanding alongside the use of the Purple Mash learning platform and songs to develop fluency and rapid recall. All children from Year 2 – 6 have access to Purple Mash online and can use it to practise their multiplication tables at home.